Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Living Life

So, originally I wanted to document daily life....probably because I could feel how quickly the days pass. But instead, I have just been focused on living life. I don't need to remember every day or every feeling. The days and weeks combine into the feelings I will remember. That is enough.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Raw Milk??

I keep reading about raw milk. I just googled where to find it. Guess who lives in the only state where it is illegal to buy raw milk??? You guessed it, me. Bummed out :(

Monday, July 6, 2009

One down..three to go!

I can't believe the first week of my summer program is already over! The kids are great and there is authentic learning going on! I am really excited about the connections they are making and how well they have adapted to our camp "classroom". After a beautiful Fourth in Snug Harbor with my husband's cousins, I have started to feel "on vacation." It is important for me to recharge my batteries this summer. It was a tough year with the economic meltdown of my husband's industry ( hence the summer job) and the birth of our second child. I am not partaking in any formal professional development this summer and as much as it saddens me, I know it is in the best interest of my spirit and my family. It is still difficult to say no to free college credits!!!

Caroline is starting Knotty Pine in the morning! I am so excited for her to attend the same nursery school as I did. On our tour it was all the good things I remembered and more. She needs to socialize with children her own age. She plays during coffee hour at church, but she is the youngest girl in that group. In the fall, she will begin Godly Play on Sundays and I think that will be a good benefit to her as well. Tomorrow is the first of 6 half days she will be attending this summer. In the fall it will be three mornings a week. She is so excited!

I am just finishing a two week course of prednisone for my coughing issues. I wish I could say I was feeling all better. I am not as bad as I was at my worst, but very far from being cough free. I am hopeful that it will resolve itself soon.

My first reading went very well. One elderly woman came up to me right away to say it was the first time she had been able to hear the Prayers of the People! (those are said from the pew, no microphone) We also had a meeting regarding the possibility of a 3rd worship service. If that happens, I will have more opportunities to read, and I think that would be great.

Tomorrow is a big day at work- the Mayor, Governor and other committee members who funded the grant are scheduled to come see our hard work in action. I hope they like what they see!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Busy Day

I made veggie burgers from scratch today. I used a recipe I found in a back issue of REAL simple, ( my favorite magazine) and we all liked them. I think I will tweak the recipe a bit next time, but quite yummy. I also made Wil's baby food for the week, and some items to bring to church tomorrow. We are having a send-off luncheon for a family who is moving away. It was nice to be able to get a good deal of prep work out of the way, since Scott will be traveling this week and my 4-week summer position begins Monday.

I practiced my reading for tomorrow's service, and Caroline was my audience. She wanted a turn to practice too..her reading had a lot to do with Cinderella! She's known the Lord's Prayer since lent (before she turned 3, this is me bragging!) but as she gets older, some of her misprounciations change. For instance, what was once pretty recognizable as "lead us not into temptation" has now become "lead us not to detention." Can you guess her mother and aunt teach inner-city middle schoolers?!?!?

We bought Wil a new carseat for my mother's car, and a simple walker to keep him from getting into trouble when I am preparing dinner. We stopped by my parents for a visit and spent some time outside by the chimenea. My father was a little overzealous with the burning. It looked like he was trying to send smoke signals!

Caroline was upset to leave Grandmom and Pa's. She wanted to have a sleepover. We've set one up for later in the week. I remember that horrible feeling of wanting to be able to sleep over my aunt or memere's house and not being able. As a child, you can't appreciate the planning necessary for those events! I felt so sorry for her, she was crying and so sad. It is great she loves her grandparents so much that she didn't want to leave them, but sad to see her cry.

Wil just smiled and played with his nuk during Caroline's meltdown. He is such a happy baby!

I had a great night's sleep in our "new" bedroom. I really enjoy the solace of the first floor bedroom. It is tucked just far enough away from the main living area that it feels like a retreat.

Scott is watching a movie from the Redbox, but not one I am interested in. I think I will tidy up some more and then head to bed. Scott deserves to watch his movie and relax. He helped my friend move, and then worked in the yard for hours. He is such a great person. I am so lucky to share my life with him!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Vacation

It is official, summer has begun. It has been a very cold and rainy spring and my garden is suffering for it. With the sun out over the past two days, I am beginning to see some improvement, even if we did lose a tomato plant or two.

I am menu planning today instead of my usual Saturday morning. Since school is out, and we have plans to help a friend in the morning, I figured now was as good a time as any. I am excited to try working with quinoa this week. I have been eating it for the past month or so, but from the prepared section at Whole Foods. Since that isn't budget friendly, this week it will be up to me to make a tasty side dish with it. I have found some great looking recipes, but I may just give it a whirl on my own.

We are moving on from co-sleeping with Wil, and so now both Caroline and Wil will be sleeping in their own rooms upstairs, and we have moved back to the first floor bedroom. I am excited to change up the house, and even more excited to see the toys in the kids rooms as opposed to the "playroom". It was difficult to keep the playroom to our level of tidyness while also allowing it to be a place of play. Now that the toys will be upstairs, if everything isn't perfectly put away, the main living area will still be clutter free!

Our neighbors are moving, and while this is sad for us, we have gotten a great surprise! They gave us their Nordic Track. I have been scouring craigslist looking for a good piece of exercise equipment that will help me take off my baby weight without having to leave the house. I am so excited for this gift! I am also excited to use the money I had been allocating for the exercise equipment for another purpose. I may actually have to buy some vegetable plants for the garden since my cucumbers are looking very tired :( I am also thinking about getting a breadmaker. If anyone in cyberspace is reading this, do you have any feelings about a breadmaker?

Caroline and William are doing great. Wil has two teeth and is almost crawling. He can stand up and balance for about 10 seconds. I wonder if he will walk as early as Caroline. Caroline has finally gotten used to "pooping" on the toliet. I am so proud of her!

Sunday starts my first week as a reader at church. Practice today at 2pm. I am excited to start this ministry!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I love to read the blogs of women who share their recipes and daily lives. I enjoy seeing motherhood from different perspectives and would love to add to this collective voice. I take pride in the care of my family, my faith, my home, and my occupation.